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The sheer frustration of man, when he looks to the skies and realise how insignificant he is in comparison to what he sees out there and the knowledge that, in his lifetime, space will still hold many mysteries, compels him to bring the space adventures he has imagined, to life in fantasy films like Star Trek’ and “Star Wars” and always assuming the people they would meet in space will be as aggressive as we are and look completely different to us, ignoring the facts in the book they are supposed to believe in. “We are made in Gods image” therefore, the people we will meet out there will look like us, as God would have influenced the whole Universe not, just a small part of it. The fantasy side of things seems to have more appeal than the stories nearer the truth and as fact is stranger than fiction it also holds more fears knowing it will happen. We want contact with spacemen but the fear of the consequences and the unknown reactions of them, makes us wary of the event occurring. We would rather feel safe and keep it in the realms of fantasy and pray we personally never actually meet an alien face to face. Believing the Bible means coming face to face with God or, a man from another planet, is this the reason we are so reluctant to believe it? It is fortunate that mans inquisitiveness and inbred need to explore avenues of life on earth and outwards to the stars, help some of us to overcome that fear and try to solve the secrets of space we all wish to know. If the Roswell case was a hoax, as most intelligent people think, then the misguided folk responsible for it are only misleading the gullible public by trying to involve them in their own fantasies. The American government, are now beginning to admit to a department in the desert of New Mexico where all these strange sightings have taken place, given the fact that it is hard to deny when satellite pictures of it have been published in the press. Secret installations where trials took place for our war machines are now public, and it is now easier to prove or disprove hoaxes and truths with modern inventions, but the Roswell incident was simple to concoct given the reports from the area at the time added to man’s ignorance of the experiments taking place. We will be contacted from space again, when the whole world will be in no doubt of the event as we will all he involved in one way or another as the earth gets evacuated. In the unlikely event that there was any truth about Roswell and weird looking aliens being captured from a crashed spaceship it would be that it was a probe with some experimental robot like computer, sent to observe from nearer hand what all the activity was in that area and report the findings back to base which, is even more unlikely as God will he able to observe this planet in detail from the comfort and safety of Heaven. Something as ridiculous as that mock up would he no loss up there and if it came from there could have been a prank causing as much merriment in Heaven as it caused down here, (to the ones with more sense anyway). One important thing we will have to bear in mind, when the next true visit of our friends from space occurs is to react in a friendly way and not go in with all guns blazing. We are still far too hostile in our approach towards them and if our leaders had their way, any strange being from space regardless of who or what they looked liked, would he bunged on a slab and dissected in the name of science. That is one thing the Roswell incident did prove, if nothing else. Thankfully the people that are arriving will have been here before and are watching us, so they know what to expect. When they do come, it would be wise to be ready with a handshake and welcome them as we would a visitor from another country. These people are highly intelligent and have helped us in the past, so it stands to reason that they are not coming billions of miles for a punch up. They will either be here to rescue us or find out first hand, how far we have come in our learning to live in harmony with one another, and if we show any signs of hostility they will just return to their own planet until we are fit to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
nice piece..