Image via Wikipedia
We know it is essential to the way the universe is held together, but if we cannot understand it, then we cannot progress with our understanding of the universe as a whole, and some theories will remain theories.
It is my conjecture that gravity was needed to create the Big Bang, as I explained in earlier chapters of "unfeatheredangels" by gasses contorting as they met, which eventually resulted in the first spinning effect as they reacted with each other.
This in turn created a giant vortex, the suction to draw everything from the atmosphere within billions of light years in circumference into its center, which would include the ingredients that made up the universe.
All the ingredients were around, they only needed the reaction to bring them together, and this massive vortex was the answer.
Everything was mixed up and spat out by the chemical reaction created inside the vortex, by all the ingredients interacting to create the Big Bang, which sent solids, liquids, and gasses, spinning out into the space we are still careering through.
We are still being carried by the blast, that is why the planets are moving further apart, and the galaxies still stretching out through space.
Gravity was started by the spinning motion, and it is simply the orbs that make up the galaxies that are punching their way through space, while spinning and clearing air from their path, both on their outward journey away from the blast, plus the air they are clearing during their rotation on their axes, creating a vortex around them. The suction is in the lower layer, and the surge in the upper layer of the draft, which creates GRAVITY as we know it.
It is more the air or the atmosphere they are clearing during their rotation on their axes, that causes gravity as we know it, pulling objects down towards them that are a certain distance away from them,or inside the bubble created by the rotation, while bouncing others back off into space if they hit the bubble.
Draft is gravity, just like the draft you get when you slam a door, but the displacement of air is the cause of the gravity around the planets of the universe, because they are spinning.
If you are standing on one side of the door the displacement will push you, but if you are standing on the other side you will feel suction or drag, but because the door is only opening and shutting, and not spinning, you won't create gravity.
A sphere on the other hand creates both suction, and the surge of air ahead of it, and as it is spinning the suction, and surge combine to create gravity. The pull downwards, and the bounce outwards, is the suction, and the surge reacting with the spinning motion as they fight with each other.
If it was a rectangle shape, or a square, the punching motion would always be at the front of the object heading through space, and the suction always at the rear, but with the spherical shape none of them has the upper hand, but both are present.
Its simple aerodynamics, if you were at the front of the rectangle, under the air rushing past you would be forced down onto the surface, but if you were at the back you would be brushed off by the air disturbance rushing past taking you away from the object, like a comet shedding particals constantly, as it moves through space.
Gravity can have an effect further away from the sphere than we have calculated, because it could be displacing the atmosphere miles further out from the gravitational pull we know of, and that is what holds smaller planets and Moons in their grasp.
Our Sun's gravitational pull holds all the planets that we have discovered in our solar system and keeps them together to make up the solar system we know of, and the same thing is happening in other parts of the universe, making up galaxies, which in turn affects all other objects hurtling out in the blast created by the Big Bang.
Therefore the gravity created by the spinning motion of all the objects in the universe, reaches out further away from the objects than we first thought and creates the bases that holds the universe together in the form we know, plus the fact that all these objects are still hurtling away from the original blast.
When our spaceships force there way through earth's gravitational pull, they enter into what appears to us as space and weightlessness, but the thin atmosphere they enter into could also be moving around along with the pull of the Sun, and although it has not been measured or noticed by us, this movement could still have a significant effect on the rest of the objects spinning around in the universe.
The newly discovered ring around Saturn is evidence that this is probable, as the dust particles making up the ring are eight million miles away from the planet.
Therefore the gravitational pull of Saturn has at least a radius of eight million miles, probably more.
Also every other object that spins around in the universe could have an effect on every other piece of Big Bang debris, if the atmosphere that surrounds each object blasting away from the original explosion, carries its thin atmosphere around with it.
There are particals in the space between planets,and stars,it is not a vacuum, or heat would not travel through it.
This unmeasured action of movement of thinning atmospheres that surrounds all the spheres could be the reason the universe does not collapse or collide, during its ever outward journey away from the core of the blast, as it acts like a cushion holding everything in its place, or in other words, holding the universe together.
The very answer to the question mentioned at the beginning of this post, the question that we need to answer before we can progress.